Bring back my girlfriend to me, long held in bondage
from the Peloponnese, Greece now alive
without that sister-ship, Europe, caught up in
sordid intrigues to starve her out amid
those trash-bins and looted graves of gold
and tarnished silver, that Thucydides wrote
about in exile, the thrust of his pen that was greater
than all the ships he led against Sparta.
On the Caryatid Porch of the timeless Erechtheion
during these most famous days,
Men, women and children look for food and water,
The corruptors sing their platitudes,
The banks with coffers close like a winter st
that kills young green shoots waving in wind.
Bring back my beautiful girlfriend held in bondage
in that dusty and decayed British Museum,
Bring her back to the people of Greece.
Luis Lázaro Tijerina, Burlington, Vermont
Ἐπιμέλεια: Χρύσα Νικολοπούλου